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Bakteri Antagonis Corynebacterium yang Ramah Lingkungan
Bakteri antagonis adalah jasad renik (microorganisme) yang mengintervensi kegiatan patogen (penyebab penyakit) pada tumbuhan. Pada dasarnya terdapat 3 mekanisme antagonis yaitu:

  1. Hiperparasitisme : terjadi apabila organisme antagonis memparasit organisme parasit (patogen tumbuhan)
  2. Kompetisi ruang dan hara : terjadi persaingan dalam mendapatkan ruang hidup dan hara, seperti karbohidrat, Nitrogen, ZPT dan vitamin.
  3. Antibiosis : terjadi penghambatan atau penghancuran suatu organisme oleh senyawa metabolik yang diproduksi oleh organisme lain.
Corynebacterium/ bakteri Korin merupakan bakteri antagonis yang mempunyai bentuk elevasi cembung dengan warna coklat susu keruh.
Cara pengendalian ini seiring dengan meningkatnya kesadaran untuk menjaga lingkungan sehat, mendorong aplikasi teknologi yang ramah lingkungan bahkan mengarah pada sistem usaha tani organik.Corynebacterium sangat cocok untuk mencegah layu yang disebabkan oleh bakteri pada daun/ tanaman hortikultura, palawija maupun tanaman Padi sawah.

Perbanyakan Corynebacterium

Produksi massal menggunakan media buatan (cair) EKG/Ekstrak kentang gula
Langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
1. Menyiapkan alat dan bahan Alat yang digunakan antara lain alat Fermentasi yang sederhana, terdiri dari aerator, KMnO4 (larutan PK), glass wool (sebagai filter), slang plastik, sambungan slang berbentuk L, botol plastik, jerigen/galon air mineral, panci, kompor,baskom, saringan plastik, corong plastik, jarum ose (jarum kawat), lilin, alkohol.
Bahan-bahan terdiri dari kentang 300 gr/1 lt air, gula pasir 20 gr/1 lt air, air (dikonversikan dengan jumlah kentang dan gula),stater (biang) Corynebacterium.

2. Pembuatan EKG
  • Kupas kentang, potong tipis
  • Rebus sampai irisan kentang memutih, kemudian saring larutan ekstrak kentang tersebut
  • Tambahkan gula pasir, aduk hingga larut kemudian saring kembali
  • Sterilkan dengan dandang selama 15 menit pada suhu 120 derajat celcius kemudian dinginkan
  • Masukkan larutan kedalam jerigen kemudian buka mulut botol stater, ambil koloni bakteri dengan menggunakan jarum ose kemudian masukkan/campurkan kedalam jerigen atau tambahkan 5 ml air kedalam botol stater dan lepaskan koloni bakteri dengan bantuan jarum ose. Tutup mulut jerigen rapat
  • Inkubasikan dengan fermenter sederhana dalam ruang bersih dengan suhu 25-27 derajat celcius sekitar 14 hari kemudian dapat digunakan.
3. Aplikasi
  • Siapkan larutan semprot dengan mencampurkan 5 ml larutan Corynebacterium yang sudah jadi kedalam 1 liter air.
  • Siapkan larutan perekat dengan mencampurkan 1 ml kedalam 100 ml air bersih, kemudian campurkan kedalam larutan 1 liter diatas
  • Saring dan masukkan larutan kedalam tangki semprot, kemudian tambahkan 15-16 liter air.
  • Semprotkan pada persemaian dan tertanaman umur 14, 28 dan 42 hst. Lebih baik apabila dilakukan perendaman benih yang siap semai selama 15 menit
  • Konsentrasi 5ml/liter, dengan dosis 2,5 liter formulasi Corynebacterium per ha dengan volume semprot antara 500-600 liter, kepadatan populasi bakteri minimal 10(pangkat)6 Cfu/cc
  • Waktu aplikasi pada sore hari, mulai pukul 15.00 WIB, hindari aplikasi siang hari untuk mencegah pengaruh sinar matahari.

(sumber: Laboratorium PHP wilayah Banyumas)
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Agricultural investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia (3)
Indonesia's land legislations do not recognize the concept of freehold land rights. Instead the various right attached to the land are subdivided into separates titles.

The Basic Agrarian Law (Law no. 5 of 1960) recognizes type of rights on land of non-state-forest area, whereas state forest-area, the Law no 5 0f 1967 on forestry is applied. To foreign as well as domestic investor, the following three main rights are significant; the Land Cultivation Rights (Hak Guna Usaha, abbreviated as HSU), the Right of Building on Land (Hak Guna Bangunan, abbreviated as HGB) and the Right of Use on Land (Hak Pakai, abbreviated as HP). These rights authorize the use of land in some ways, and their differences are mainly on the duration of validity, the nature of utilization, the opportunity to mortgage (to use as asset or collateral) and proof of title:

1. The Land Cultivation Right (HGU) is the right to use a state Owned Land for the purposes of agriculture namely plantation, or cattle rising. By law the title is granted for maximum period of 35 years, but can be extended to 25 years is the land is properly used and managed. This title of right is given to Indonesian individual(s) or legal entities domiciled in Indonesia including PMA companies. It can be used as collateral or transferred to other party with the government approval.
2. The Right Building of the Land (HGU) is the right to construct and own building on a peace of land that one has purchased. The title is granted for a maximum period of 30 years and can be extended for maximum period for 20 years for Indonesian individual(s) and / or legal entities domiciled in Indonesia including PMA companies. It can be used as collateral or transferred to other party. This is also applicable and generally granted to tenants in Industrial estates.
3. Right of Use on Land (HGB) is the right to use land for a specific purpose and granted for a period of 25 years and can be extended for period of 20 years or as long as the land is used for certain (normal) utilization. Now, this right can also be used as a mortgage. In addition, it can also be transferred to other party through a government approval.

Dwelling House or a residence that can be owned by a foreign person shall be :
1. A separate house constructed on a piece of land with the right of utilization on state land or controlled on the basis of an agreement with a land holder: or,
2. An apartment constructed on a piece of land with the right of utilization on state land.

Foreign investors who obtained mining contract from the minister of Mines and Energy or the respective Governor / the District Head or forest exploitation rights and or plantation right from the Ministry of Agriculture or the Respective Governor / District Head could automatically use the land within their business license. In case investors want to use the land for different purposes, special applications should be submitted to the Ministry or the respective Governor / District Head concerned. These rights have no collateral value to the owner.

To be continued.

Source: Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture, the Republic of Indonesia
Rating: 5 Reviewer: Info Petani - ItemReviewed: Agricultural investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia (3) - 9756people
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