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Rating: 5 Reviewer: Info Petani - ItemReviewed: HOW TO CORRECT PERFORMANCE - 9756people
Info Petani -
In improving the performance, management and staff must have a unity of understanding and generosity to correct each other, although this is not easy. Once in line, then the repair u'r work would go smoothly.
Steps to be taken:
• Recognizing the symptoms, which then observed and analyzed. If you want to be treated, the leadership must understand the dynamics of first symptoms. Leaders must have a big heart to accept the possibility that it was he who caused the bad performance of subordinates.

• Need to operate an honest conversation unhealthy relationship between the leadership and staff, as well as between the staff themselves.

In the meeting, when leaders rigid and inflexible in leading discussions (dialogue), then the leadership will not be able to control this meeting well. To be able to control this meeting very well there are 5 components to look for:
a. Readiness Leader.
Leaders must explain that the meeting was held to discuss the organization's performance, the role of staff, leadership roles and relations both.
b. Approval of the problems faced.
Agreement on the troubled areas of performance should be achieved first before starting to improve organizational performance.
c. A common understanding of the causes of poor performance.
After digging the cause, leaders must be open to influence behavior.
d. Approval of the performance objective to further improve relations.
Once the root cause is known, made an agreement to improve the skills, knowledge and experience.
e. Agreement to communicate more openly.
Open communication here that is open to receive suggestions leaders from subordinates.

dan sekian itulah artikel HOW TO CORRECT PERFORMANCE terimakasih ^_^


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